
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater

Since I'm on a roll with pictures, I thought I'd add a post with the pictures we sent in with Peter's 6 month Post Adoption Report.

 It seems amazing he has only been here six months as he has always been part of our family.

And even though a picture speaks a thousand words, there is so much behind these glimpses of his first moments with us. No picture could convey the exhaustion, the difficulties, or the love and joy of bonding with this sweet boy.

He's become such a sweet little brother, recently learning to give fist bumps in true third brother fashion.

He's developed quite a sweet tooth. He's even cried when presented with a beautiful plate of food with no sweets on it.

He loves his Dad, but is still Mommy's boy.

And still has a soft spot for Grandpa too.

How blessed we are to have this sweet boy.

As a side note, this video was posted on a friend's wall on Facebook. It is very moving and in many ways sums up why we made the decision to go back and adopt Peter. It was, in some aspects, a difficult decision as we were struggling to find the energy and organization to care for the six children we had. It was difficult to think of the finances involved in a third adoption, and we were just unsure we could swing it. One night when our six children were sleeping,  I said to dh, "If that were one of our kids, what would we do? Would we worry about college, or retirement? Would we be too tired? Or would we move heaven and earth to go get that child out of the orphanage?" We talked about our stress in light of a little one hanging onto life because it was too cold and there was not enough food-- and we knew. We knew we were called to go back. To do all we could to help one more. I can't help but feel joy every time I look at Peter.

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