
Thursday, September 6, 2012

A New Era (Part I)

This week marked a very important first in our household... It was the first day our children left the house to go to school. The three older girls are attending a very small Catholic school in our area. It was a hard decision for us, but with five children under the age of five, (I cried uncle) we decided this was the year to try it out.
We are blessed to have this school so near us. The teachers know and faithfully practice their faith, the classes are small, and the curriculum is impressive (even to an overbearing homeschool mom). They pray the rosary daily, have morning prayers and lunch prayers, attend Mass regularly, and have a religion teacher with a well-known reputation for being amazing.

That being said, I miss my girls. I thought I'd miss their extra hands, but I've found I'm managing things well. I more miss their chatter. I miss teaching them. I miss being there when they grasp a new concept. I miss setting up our school area, going through the new books with them, hearing their opinions, talking to them about what we hope to accomplish.
I do like the quieter house. I feel less frazzled, those three hens add more than their share of cackling. I enjoy nursing little Ellie without worrying about trying to teach at the same time. I'm thankful to have the time to read to the Gabe and Peter and to take them for walks as we drop Juju and Joseph off at preschool. I still miss the girls though.

It isn't less work. Paperwork, drop-off and pick-up (I have to load all five little ones in their car seats), homework, lunch packing, and the million other little details take as much time as schooling did. It's just different demands, a different schedule, and different stresses. The jury is still out on which one works better for our family.
We've always said one year at a time... You just never know what the year will bring. The last three and a half years have brought five little children. It just changed things for us.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

The girls are so cute in their uniforms! "Just" getting everyone ready, transported and back must be exhausting. Praying for some good sleep and joyful days in the midst of the blur for you! And good coffee!
You deserve it!